As you drive around Rochester, Minnesota, the home of the award-winning Mayo Clinic, one thing that you don't really see anymore are those experiencing homelessness.  Bans have been put in place that are impacting those experiencing homelessness in huge ways...and although you may not see them, they ARE still in our community.

According to the Executive Director at Family Promise Rochester, there are over 40 families who are living in their cars (which is also part of the ban), friends' couches, or other areas that have a bed open temporarily.  40+ adults that have at least one child.

Instead of climbing into your bed tonight, go climb in the backseat of your car and see how restful that is for you.  Oh, don't forget to grab a few bags or totes of items and put those in the back along with at least one of your kids.

THIS is how some people in our community are surviving right now in 2024 in Rochester, Minnesota.


Family Promise Rochester Helping Families Experiencing Homelessness Since 1999.

The topic of homelessness has ramped up this past year and the need to help those experiencing homelessness has increased, greatly.  A fun event that will cost you nothing, but where you can show your support, is coming up soon - the details are below.

Families experiencing homelessness in our area is NOT a new issue.  One of the organizations that has been here to help families in our area experiencing homelessness since 1999 is Family Promise Rochester.  Originally named Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Rochester, this organization was started by individuals and their congregations to provide food and shelter for homeless families.

Family Promise Rochester
Family Promise Rochester
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Everything You Need To Know About Pathways to Hope Event for Family Promise Rochester

If you'd love to learn more about Family Promise Rochester or just want to enjoy a day showing support for the organization, join them for the Pathways to Hope Event on November 16th.

Townsquare Media Rochester - Preston
Townsquare Media Rochester - Preston

Townsquare Media cares about our community! Every year, we help the community in a variety of ways from supporting local fundraisers, to running daily public service messages, to creating digital community campaigns and hosting events attended by thousands.

Do you have a community event coming up or a fundraiser?  Let us know!  Contact us at or fill out the form requesting more info at our Townsquare Cares page.

10 Amazing Inventions from Minnesota

Thanks to some big brains, our world is a better place! According to MinnPost, these amazing inventions happened in the great state of Minnesota.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio