Waite Park Baseball/Softball Enjoying a Great Season
Waite Park Babe Ruth baseball/softball is coming off a successful tournament weekend which saw the 10U softball team win first place. The co-President of the organization and head coach of the 10U Waite Park softball team, Tony Dingmann joined me on WJON. He says the organization was established in 1995 and offers youth baseball and softball, in-house coach pitch and tee ball starting at age 4 and going to 16. They also offer travel baseball and softball up to age 16. The in-house is more local and will include surrounding communities while travel includes league games, 3 tournaments and the possibility of a state tournament.
Dingmann says they have roughly 260 local kids involved in their baseball programs with another 170 kids involved in their softball programs. Waite Park hosts 2 tournaments a year with the first one this past weekend. They had 24 softball teams and 16 baseball teams. The organization estimated they had 2,500 people come to Waite Park for this event with many staying in local hotels and eating at local restaurants. Dingmann says many of the teams came from areas where driving back and forth wasn't an option. Their 2nd tournament will be June 14-16 which will also include 24 softball teams and 16 baseball teams.
Dingmann says Waite Park Babe Ruth Baseball/Softball really takes pride in their complex and often receive compliments from visiting teams and organizations. The complex consists of 4 baseball fields and 4 softball fields, plenty of parking spaces and lots of volunteers. Dingmann says the organization also has 21 dedicated board members.
Dingmann says the philosophy of the organization is to teach baseball and softball skills, win some games, have fun and have them want to come back to play the following year.
If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Tony Dingmann, it is available below. Learn more about Waite Park Baseball/Softball.