Undated (KROC-AM News)- Multiple state parks in southeast Minnesota will be hosting special hunts during this year's firearm deer hunting season. 

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Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Information Officer Lauren Peck says six parks will be hosting special firearm deer hunts this month and next month. 

Those partaking in the special hunts had applied for permits to hunt the state parks for deer earlier this year. Two of the parks will be closed during the hunts. 

Whitewater State Park and Frontenac State Park in MN to Close for Special Deer Hunts

Peck says Whitewater State Park in Altura and Frontenac State Park in Frontenac will be closed entirely to the public. The Whitewater closure runs from Nov. 16-17 and Frontenac will be closed on Nov. 23 and 24. 

Minnesota DNR
Minnesota DNR

Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park in Preston, Lake Louise State Park in LeRoy, Winona’s Great River Bluffs State Park and Beaver Creek Valley State Park will also host special hunts but will remain open to the public. 

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Forestville will hold a firearms hunt Nov. 9-10 and a special Chronic Wasting Disease Hunt from Dec. 20-22, Lake Louise’s hunt will be a firearms hunt Nov. 16-17. 

MN DNR photo
MN DNR photo

Great River Bluffs will host its special firearm and CWD hunts on Nov. 23-24 and Dec. 20-22 respectively and a muzzleloader hunt will take place at Beaver Creek Dec. 7 and 8. 

Visitors attending any of the parks during the special hunts are asked to wear blaze orange, check with park officials for any additional information and to obey all hunting related signs.

10 Highest-Rated Minnesota State Parks

Visiting every state park in Minnesota is an excellent bucket list goal, but with 65 of them spread across the state, where do you start? Trip Advisor has curated a list of the best Minnesota state parks based on the rankings given by visitors who have come before you. Scroll through the list of the 10 highest-rated state parks in Minnesota and start exploring!

Gallery Credit: Minnesota Now