Love From Minnesota: Find Out How Minnesotans Are Helping Those Affected By Wildfires
In Montgomery, Minnesota in a church basement, a wonderful caring, and talented group of people gather twice a month to pour their heart and soul into making quilts for those in need.
Right now, they are focusing on the devastation the people are experiencing in California due to the unbelievable wildfires. They watch what's happening on the news, want to show those people that others are thinking about them, and want to help. But how? That's the question.

Marge Fradenburjh told WCCO news, "It just breaks your heart. So when this came up I thought, well; that's something positive," she said.
What Marge was referring to was the Lutheran Ladies of St. John deciding to prepare care packages for the fire victims and their families. The care packages include a towel, bars of soap, a toothbrush, a comb, nail clipper, along with the beautiful quilts that the women make.
The women who make the quilts pour their heart and soul into the quilts each year, and according to the story, they say that they hope the quilts bring the victims of the wildfires comfort. They want the victims to know that people everywhere do care about them.
The women meet twice a month to piece the quilts together and support many different nonprofit groups. The group has been making quilts together for 70 years, and gifting those quilts to help patch up their broken hearts...one quilt at a time.
To learn more you can watch the video below.
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