Tis the season for people and equipment breaking through the ice! Every December we get reports of stranded ice anglers, vehicles, and equipment needing rescuing on our lakes in Minnesota & Wisconsin. But when and SUV goes through the ice in the first week of December, you can't help but say, "What were you thinking?"

The Watoma Police Department in Wisconsin shared a video of a car breaking through the ice on Puckaway Lake.

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Puckaway Lake is in Southern Wisconsin. We shouldn't have to say this but apparently people need to know. It's too early and it's been too warm to drive your car out on the lake.

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Each year Minnesota & Wisconsin Departments Of Natural Resources share ice thickness guidelines. 4" of new, clear ice is enough for people to walk on. You shouldn't be driving a car on ice less than a foot thick.

Heads up, there's swearing in this video:

Recovering the vehicle looked to be difficult as well. Hambino 88 shared the videos on TikTok showing that the SUV kept breaking the ice when they tried to winch it out. Uff da.

Comments on the videos are pretty harsh. It's hard to believe someone would actually drive out on the ice when it's been a mild fall and the beginning of winter. 

Is this person new to the area? Whatever the case is, I'm sure they've learned their lesson now.

Minnesota DNR
Minnesota DNR

LOOK: Here's where people in every state are moving to most

Stacker analyzed the Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey data to determine the three most popular destinations for people moving out of each state.

Gallery Credit: Amanda Silvestri