That week-long window of spring where it's warm and there are no mosquitoes is already over. The blood suckers are back, and they're actually the world's deadliest animal. Seriously, more people die worldwide from mosquitoes than any other animal because of the diseases they can carry.

Anyway, that got a little dark. Researchers have actually done studies about mosquitoes and the colors that attract them. The University Of Washington shared their research in a press release called 'Mosquito's Predilection for Certain Colors." Here's what they found.

Read More: The Deadliest Animal In The World Is The Mosquito

The first thing that attracts mosquitoes is odors.

Mosquitoes are first attracted to the CO2 from our breath. The scent of that then stimulates their eyes to begin scanning for specific colors. Then the mosquitoes head toward them.

Breath, sweat, and the temperature of your skin also play a role.

The senior author of the paper, Jeffrey Riffell, says the top three things that attract mosquitoes are your breath, your sweat, and the temperature of your skin. They then went even further and discovered that color plays a role.

1. Mosquitoes are attracted to the color red.


2. Wearing orange also stands out to mosquitoes.


 3. Mosquitoes are attracted also to black!


4. Cyan? Really?


The research actually says there are colors that mosquitoes ignore!

If you want the best chance to avoid mosquito bites, wear the colors green, purple, blue, and white.

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Mosquitos also lock onto your skin, no matter the color.

The research found that human flesh, no matter the pigmentation, emits a strong red-orange signal to their eyes.

LOOK: 20 of the biggest insects in the world

Stacker compiled a list of 20 of the biggest insects in the world using a variety of news, scientific, and other sources.

Gallery Credit: Andrea Vale