The web site has found that the average price for a real Christmas tree standing 6 feet tall is $59 for the United States. Minnesota ranks right at the average at $59. New Yorker's pay the most on average with a price of $90 for their tree while our North Dakota neighbors get by with just $33 for a tree. That's the lowest in the U.S.

The top tree producing states are Oregon, north Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New York and Virginia.

There has been some concern of a possible Christmas tree shortage due to the recession of 2008 when fewer trees were planted. It takes on average ten years to grow a 7 foot tree. Other factors include Hurricane Florence, the California wild fires and other natural disasters that have cause a few areas to be short on supply when it comes to Christmas trees.

Speaking of Christmas, the Owatonna Christmas Bird Count is this Saturday. Darryl Hill shares some interesting facts from past bird counts here.

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